Tuesday, January 27, 2009

I AM My Brother's Keeper

More often than not we hear the opposite - "I am NOT my brother's keeper." Why is that? Why have we gotten to the point where we feel no responsiblity for those around us? Should I just feel responsible for my own children? For my immediate family? For my team? For just myself?

A lack of responsibility is one of the main reasons why our youth struggle today. Now there is a whole list of others but I feel as if we could teach them to start taking pride in looking out for the next man rather than tearing him down, we would get a lot further a lot faster. Our young men have been conditioned to think that society looks down upon them and their options are limited unless they have reached the superstar status as an athlete or entertainer.

The problem is that we don't have enough "regular" men stepping up and taking responsibility for their own and those around them. We're leaving it up to the athletes and entertainers who, for the most part, don't want the job. I'm not asking every man to start a program dedicated to the cause but what I am suggesting is that we take just a little time to drop a little knowledge on our young brothers whenever we get an opportunity. You never know how what you say to that young man might change his life. And lets not just talk the talk. It is proven that our young men learn best through doing and observing. We have to BE the men we need them to be for those they will one day lead.

The bottom line is, their failures are our failures. Think about how it would feel to stop talking about how bad this generation is and actually take action to do something about it. Lets turn their successes into our successes.

"I AM my brother's keeper" - how about you?